Cathy Being Bright
Nick Smiiiiiiiliiiiing!
Nick on Ben (?)
Cathy, Ben and Bazza
Cathy Singing 'I'm a Little Teapot'
Ben Behind Big Bucket of Butterkist
Upside Down Bazza
Nick Looking Lost
Nick Watches Fascinated as Bazza Plays 'Catch the Inanimate Candle'
Nick and Ben
Bazza and Ben's Arty Camera Flash Experiment
Cathy Swoons at the Beautiful Ceiling!
Bazza and the Candle
Cathy's... er... legs
Nick and Bazza, Quite Amused!
The Bazza and the Cat
Andrew Wheeler
David C Williams Looking Puzzled
Bazza Plays Guitar
Ben Wins the Cheesy Grin Contest
Bazza and the Cat 2
'My eyes ARE greener than his!'
The Bear and the Guitar Went to Bed...
Andrew Worships at the Coca Cola Shrine
Bazza 2
Ben and Andrew Wheeler Smiiiile
Andrew Sleeps
Bazza Enjoys a Cup of Coffee
Cathy Enjoys a Cup of Coffee
Ben Giggles
Bazza Enjoys Another Cup of Coffee
Nick Giggles
Bazza Giggles
Nick and Ben Chill
Bazza and Ben, Blurry
Ben - Zombiefied
David Sleeps